Friday, December 31, 2010

movie review of unstoppable

This movie was interesting, alot of action, speed, and always is keeping you on the front of your seat. BUT !
the story line was so stupid i laughed threw the whole movie. the whole begining was stupid, and how the train becomes unstoppable is in the power of a fat man in which did not follow orders. the movie should not have been called unstoppable (SPOILER) the train get's stopped. I give this film 2 runaway trains out of 5.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

movie review of human centipede first sequence

This movie is not for any screamer, it is sick, gross, and over all not something you ever want done to yourself.
I got half way threw this film, and never want to finish it. the whole point of this film is this doctor who's job was to separate conjoined twins at birth. over life he decided he wanted to sew people together people. the whole film is just not right and will have you shaking your saying this not right under your breath millions of times. this movie gets two centipedes out of five.

Monday, December 27, 2010

movie review of scott pilgrimvs the world

love this movie, if you have read the graphic novel you might be surprised. up to an hour in the movie changes.
it becomes nothing like the book, but still is great. Micheal not that wonderful in this movie. the music is awesome.and the visuals were amazing as well.Scott kicks butt threw Matthew Patel who can summon demon hipster chicks. Lucas lee a skater slash movie star. Todd Ingram bass player in the band the clash at demon head and vegan. Roxie Richter ( the evil ex girlfriend ) she has ninja based powers. the twins kyle and ken Katayanagi, The pair are experts in robotics who summon robots to fight Scott. FINALLY ! Gideon Graves owner of the chaos theater. i give this movie 3 and half stars out of 5

Sunday, December 26, 2010

movie review of harry potter 7 part one

the movie was fun, very fast paced, and had a bit of sadness. it leaves off at the best part for the next one. (not going to give anything away ) the visuals blew my mind. but kudos to my favorite actress, Helena Bonham Carter, i give the film a four out of five stars..